Saturday, September 17, 2005


Sun/Oct 2nd / 3pm/UUDOME/ $10 SAM PACETTI An extraordinary guitarist, in the same league as Martin Simpson and Leo Kottke. A strong singer; a fine songwriter; an inventive arranger of traditional Irish and American tunes and songs. Also Sam carries on the legacy of the late Gamble Rogers with whom he spent considerable time as a teenager in Florida, learning Gamble's songs and stories. You'll find classical, flamenco, bluegrass, Irish, and other influences in his playing.

10/7/05 UU DOME: PHYLLIS McEWEN PORTRAYS ZORA NEALE HURSTON: Fri/Oct 7th /8pm/$8 advance; $10 door: We interrupt our regular concert series so Zora, an anthropologist, folklorist and writer, can tell us the stories and sing the songs she collected in Florida turpentine camps and jook joints during the 1920s and 30s while she was with the Works Progress Administration (WPA). Though teens are welcome, this is an adult presentation and is not suitable for small children. Phyllis, a popular poet and performance artist and former Black Studies Specialist at USF, has received widespread acclaim for her wonderful portrayal of Zora.

Tues/Oct 11th/ 8pm/$10 / UU DOME/ GREG GREENWAY Greg's archived interview on NPR's All Things Considered can be heard at In addition to Carnegie Hall, music festivals, clubs, coffee houses, house concerts and the likes, Greg appears at UU Concert Series across the country and has also been featured at SWIM, SUUSI, & General Assembly. A favorite with UUs and non-UUs too.

10/22-23/05 FRIENDS OF FLORIDA FOLK & THE 2006 FLORIDA FOLK FESTIVAL (STEPHEN FOSTER FOLK CULTURE CENTER) are sponsoring the FOFF Gazebo Stage at the New Port Richey Founders Day Festival. Folk music will take place from approximately 11am-5pm on Sat 10/22 & from 1-4pm on Sun 10/23. Lineup tba. FREE!

10/25/05 TAFEE TUESDAY @ SKIPPER’S: GOVE SCRIVENOR. BOBBY HICKS OPENS. $10. 8pm. Gove’s high energy folk blues, inventive slide work, boisterous vocals, virtuosic way with an autoharp -- plus his wonderful original ballads make for Magical Rapport with an audience. BOBBY HICKS: Per the St Pete Times: "He's one of the state's leading folk singers, a hot- tempered troubadour who moves audiences with heart-tugging ballads, a Yankee joke or two, and righteous anger about the sad fate of Old Florida..."

11/?/05 UU DOME: GARY ANDERSON PORTRAYS CLARENCE DARROW - Nov ?/ Date & Details to be announced. We again interrupt our regular concert series so Clarence Darrow can recount the greatest trials of his career, including the Scopes Monkey Trial (Evolution vs Creationism). "Captures both the homespun self-effacing humor and the fiery oratorical skills that made Darrow a legend among trial lawyers." Shasta-Trinity CA Counties Bar Association. "Truly, Mr. Anderson was riveting...Our audience was entranced. There was a sustained standing ovation at the conclusion… The material was timely and inspirational." Rev. Julia Older, UU Fellowship, Redwood, CA.